We will have our monthly meeting in person and virtual.
We will abide by recommended social distancing rules.
Maintain and respect the 6 ft. guidelines
Order at the designated area of the bar only.
Wear your mask at all times except while eating or drinking.
There will be no bottle sharing at this meeting.
Link to the zoom meeting will be sent in the monthly newsletter.
Maintain and respect the 6 ft. guidelines
Order at the designated area of the bar only.
Wear your mask at all times except while eating or drinking.
There will be no bottle sharing at this meeting.
Link to the zoom meeting will be sent in the monthly newsletter.
If you think you might join us in person, please mark yourself as “going” on the event.
If you plan on joining via zoom, mark yourself as “interested” on the event. That way we can get an idea of how many we might have at the Brewery.
If you plan on joining via zoom, mark yourself as “interested” on the event. That way we can get an idea of how many we might have at the Brewery.
Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5889067754?pwd=K01EaHVtZkwyWm9Vam9XRW9kT1RmZz09Meeting ID: 588 906 7754
Passcode: BrewBeer
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5889067754?pwd=K01EaHVtZkwyWm9Vam9XRW9kT1RmZz09Meeting ID: 588 906 7754
Passcode: BrewBeer