Sunshine Challenge 2022 Gallery
Beer School2022-10-18T14:45:56-04:00The 2022 Sunshine Challenge was an outstanding success! Relive some of the moments from the entire event in this online gallery.
The 2022 Sunshine Challenge was an outstanding success! Relive some of the moments from the entire event in this online gallery.
Clear beer can be a thing of beauty, and for some styles, it may be a necessity. The term "clear" or "clarity" is used as a defining appearance characteristic in over 50 sub-styles of beer in the BJCP 2021 Style Guidelines. Somewhat frustratingly, a crystal clear American Lager will only garner you 3 points on your total score - assuming all the other appearance characteristics meet the judge's marks. Whatever the reason you're looking to get the clearest beer possible, we, as home brewers, have a few options in the way of Fining Agents to help us out at virtually every step of [...]
IPA might be the most common three-letter description you hear in a local brewery these days. Still, I'm looking for a different trio when I check out the menu – ESB. EBS, Best Bitter, and Ordinary Bitter beers are some of the most satisfying, malt-forward, not-so-bitter (as the name suggests) beers in a wide range of beer styles. These styles will appear now and then at our local breweries, and it's usually a treat when they do, much like "Burton Ernie," recently found at Deadwords Brewing. They also don't tend to last long on tap, for a good reason. The sweet, light [...]